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Brain Tumor

To diagnose a brain tumor, the index of suspicion must be high, since there is no characteristic pattern of signs and symptoms. The classic combination of early morning headache and papilledema is uncommon. Emergent treatment is generally necessary only for symptoms or signs of an acute increase in ICP or bleeding. Most patients require only consultation with a neurologist or neurosurgeon and timely referral for full evaluation.


The following categories to explain that how the brain tumor occur:

  • Primary brain tumors occur in the brain such as include the skull, brain membranes, cranial nerves, pituitary gland or pineal gland. The remaining brain tumors are secondary and it is also known as metastatic. Brain tumors may cause due to several factors heredity, environmental factors, viruses or other factors.
  • Secondary (metastatic) brain tumors are tumors that may occur due to cancer and then spreads (metastasizes) to your brain. The main causes of spread brain due to cancers of the lung and breast.


  • Headache: +++ for both primary and metastatic brain tumors. The quality of headache is nondescript. In the majority, the quality is similar to a tension headache and is usually bifrontal. The headache may become worse on bending or with Valsalva maneuver ++, be associated with nausea and vomiting +++, or be the "worst headache ever" in the patient's life +++. However, it can also be mild or be relieved by nonnarcotic analgesics. The classic pattern of worse headache upon awakening in the early morning is uncommon.
  • In patients with normal intracranial pressure (ICP), headache ++ and vomiting ++
  • In patients with elevated ICP, headache ++++ and vomiting +++
  • Focal neurologic symptoms depend on location and size of tumor.


  • Any focal neurologic examination abnormality depends on the location and size of tumor.
  • Papilledema: +++ in patients with elevated ICP (not seen in patients with normal ICP)
  • Ataxia: +++ in patients with increased ICP (+ of patients with normal ICP)


The main treatment methods for brain tumors include:

  • Surgery is the main treatment of brain tumor. It involves removing as much of the tumor as possible while trying to minimize damage to healthy tissue. Few tumors can be removed completely, while others can be removed only partially or not all.
  • High-energy radiation can be used to destroy tumor cells in your brain.
  • Chemotherapy. These drugs, taken by mouth, can help kill cancerous tumor cells.

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