Blood Pressure Ranges

The ranges of blood pressure depend on various factors. Kit also varies from person to person as well as from country to country. Age group, gender or even race also came to play substantial role in blood pressure. These are definitely distinguishing factors but also imperative parameters without whose application the diagnosis of the diseases will not be possible.

Normal Blood Pressure Ranges

As the ranges of blood pressure are considered to be the most reliable parametric quantity, doctors in general cases prefer this parameter to diagnosis many diseases. In case of a healthy person, the range of blood pressure very particularly the systolic pressure must not exceed 130 m.m. Hg. The pressure that is diastolic should be also limited to 80 mm of Hg. As there is a eminent possibility of variation in ranges of blood pressure, it is imperative in cases to say that it again varies from person to person as well as it depends on the factors like age group, race, or gender. 120/80 for an average has been considered as the textbook classic range of blood pressure.

The Ranges of blood pressure according to U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has given a guideline, which they used to follow for the blood pressure. Firstly, the blood pressure that is normal should not exceed 120/85mmHg. Secondly, at the time when the systolic pressure varies between 120 to 139 and simultaneously the diastolic pressure varies within 80 and 89mmHg, it has to be considered as prehypertension. People those who have prehypertension are tentatively gets more tensioned that the people those have the normal blood pressure. Thirdly, the people those who have blood pressure near about 140/90mmHg or sometimes higher than that, are affected with diseases called hypertension or what we normal known as blood pressure that is high.

The stages of blood pressure that is high

The stage one factor of blood pressure that is high has been known as the systolic blood pressure. The systolic blood pressure on a usual basis ranges from 140 mm of mercury to 159 mm of mercury, as a companion with a diastolic blood pressure that ranges from 90 mm of mercury to 99 mm of mercury. Conversantly, the stage two blood pressure that is high has been ranging from 160 or rates higher than 160 in systolic and , in accompaniment with a diastolic blood pressure of 100 or rates higher than 100. It is expected for a healthy fit and fine person that his or her higher end of the blood pressure ranges should not exceed beyond a systolic pressure of125 mm of mercury. The condensation capacity of cardiac tissues that are present in a person’s body has been revealed with the systolic number of pressure. In case of a healthy individual the lower end of the range of blood pressure has been anticipated not to grow beyond 80 mm of mercury. An obdurately unyielding low diastolic blood pressure range that varies in between the values of 85 and 90 might countenance immediate medical treatment by any means of the prescribing of worthy anti hypertensive drugs.