More on Headaches

Headaches are the most irritating pains that anyone really want to be away from at any time in their life. Since the pain will be due to the nerves and in some cases there will be a problem with the pain in the eye. What can be said many people in this world are falling as a prey to headaches, the reasons might be many but some have to be mentioned here, like for example; many work a lot in this past paced world, people are working late hours, tight deadlines in their work, problems at home, office, during travel, improper sleeping hours etc.

So these reasons have to be put or looked into as seriously so that a proper solution can be worked out at the right time.

Proper Meal

The diet that we take must be properly planned, see going for a morning breakfast, then for lunch at afternoon, snacks at evening and finally dinner at night, all these four must be properly planned. It always a better idea that we come to know before hand how much calories are needed for oneself at any of the above mentioned four stages. Many neglect their diets due to which they won’t see a problem at that time but internally inside their body it will slowly keep on getting ignited which will finally come out one bad day.


Some headaches that we see in many are due to the lightening effect. Since when we see a huge candle of light suddenly or for a long period of time our eyes usually get strained up and the end result is that the nerves adjacent to the eyes will start feeling the strain and will result in severe headaches.

Many go for long drives in their cars, but when they make a journey during the night then due to the lights they see of the opposite cars this effect’s a lot in straining the eyes and making an easy prey to a severe headache.


Sometimes there are chances that many headaches can be caused due to pollutions that were around us. The environment in which we live will really affect a lot on our health conditions. So for suppose when we go for an early morning walk, we can feel the freshness of the air and when we breathe that air in we can feel the pleasantness of it and the this gives a soothing affect to us, suppose if we move in a polluted traffic and breathe the air there then we will definitely feel a pain in our nose that might sometime leads to a burning sensation in the nose as well as a leading cause to an headache.